Employee Demographic Details: Exploring Attitudes and Behaviors About Voluntary/Worksite Benefits (Employer Size and Industry) - MarketVision™—The Employee Viewpoint©

Cost: $2,000; published 2024

Eastbridge’s biannual MarketVision™ — The Employee Viewpoint study tracks the needs, wants and expectations of one of the market’s key stakeholder groups: employees. This report provides a detailed segmentation analysis of the surveyed employee population to examine how employee ownership and attitudes vary by demographic segments, including employer size and industry. A separate report is also available that examines employee ownership, attitudes and behaviors by generation, occupation, income, and presence of children in household.

For each demographic category, the report examines:

  • Ownership of products through employer
  • Number of voluntary products owned
  • Preferred payment method
  • Type of voluntary products owned and reasons for buying
  • Importance of different insurance products
  • Future interest in buying voluntary products
  • Noninsurance benefit offerings by employers
  • Benefits and enrollment communication methods used and preferred
  • Enrollment methods, preferences and timing
  • Overall voluntary enrollment experience satisfaction
  • Impacts of inflation on existing voluntary coverage and future voluntary purchases
  • Importance of online administrative services and capabilities


View Table of Contents

1. Report Overview

A. Report Objectives

B. Methodology

C. Report Structure

2. Findings by Employer Size

A. Introduction

B. Summary Findings

C. Detailed Findings

3. Detailed Findings by Industry

A. Introduction

B. Summary Findings

C. Detailed Findings


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