Enrollment and Technology Funding Practices of Voluntary Carriers Spotlight™ Report

Cost: $3,500; published 2024

Enrolling benefits, including voluntary products, requires carriers to understand, invest in and support many different enrollment options to meet the needs of brokers, employers and employees. In addition, as enrollment technology continues to evolve and in-person access to employees at the workplace becomes more challenging, it also is vital to partner with a new customer group — technology companies — to deliver more interactive, educational and easy-to-use online enrollment experiences for carriers who want to remain competitive in the voluntary/worksite market.

The 2024 Enrollment and Technology Funding Practices of Voluntary Carriers Spotlight™ Report reviews carriers’ current voluntary enrollment logistics, methods and best practices, as well as technology platforms carriers use most frequently and carriers’ evolving approach to technology funding. Key topics covered in the report include:

  • Enrollment organization responsibilities and management
  • Enrollment methods accepted and preferred
  • Enrollment communication best practices
  • Enrollment platforms used and preferred
  • Top three enrollment platforms by sales
  • Electronic enrollment decision-support and education tools
  • Frequency of technology funding requests
  • Decision basis for technology funding payment
  • Percentage of new cases with a subsidy in 2023
  • Participation rates by enrollment method
  • Strategies to drive participation and streamline enrollments
  • Re-enrollment process and responsibilities
  • Current issues and future trends for voluntary enrollments

With this information, Carriers can compare their enrollment and technology funding practices and results with key competitors and help determine ways to hone their own strategies to remain competitive in the marketplace.


View Table of Contents

1. Executive Summary

A. Report Objectives

B. Methodology

C. Key Findings

2. Detailed Carrier Findings

A. General Carrier Information

1. Product Platform

2. Typical Voluntary Case Size

B. Enrollment Logistics, Methods & Best Practices

1. Enrollment Organization Responsibility

2. Onsite Enrollment Management

3. Voluntary Enrollment Methods Accepted

4. Preferred Enrollment Method

5. Types of Meetings

6. Enrollment Communication Best Practices

7. Enrollment Differences by Case Size

8. Source of Enrollers

C. Enrollment Platform Specifics

1. Number of Enrollment Platforms

2. Platform Decision and Case Set-Up Process

3. Preferred Platforms

4. Preferred Platforms Differences

5. Process for Becoming a Preferred Platform

6. Default/Preferred Platform

7. Top Three Enrollment Platforms by Sales

8. Mix of Sales by Type of Platform

9. Access to and Charges for Default/Preferred Platform

10. Case Set-up for Default/Preferred Platform

11. Enrollment of Other Company's Products on Default/Preferred Platform

12. Electronic Enrollment Decision-Support and Education Tools

13. Support for Unassisted Online Enrollments

14. Other Enrollment Technology Investments

15. Commission Modifications for Self-Service Enrollments

D. Technology Funding/Fees

1. Frequency of Technology Funding Requests

2. Case Size for Technology Funding Requests

3. New vs. Existing Case Technology Funding Requests

4. Decision Basis for Technology Funding Payment

5. Most Common Types of Technology Fee or Subsidy Paid

6. Type of Entity Receiving Fee or Subsidy

7. Payment of Subsidy or Fee to Nonlicensed Entities

8. Determination of Fee or Subsidy Amount

9. Timeframe for Fee or Subsidy

10. Employer Requirements for Fee or Subsidy

11. Percentage of New Cases with a Subsidy in 2023

E. Frequency of Usage

1. Percent Enrolled by Method

2. Strategies to Drive Participation

3. Steps to Streamline Enrollment

F. Enrollment Materials, Services and Miscellaneous

1. Number of Products Typically Enrolled

2. Pre-Enrollment Communication Material

3. Active and Passive Enrollment and Participation

4. Waiver of Participation for Non-Buyer

5. Re-Enrollment Schedul

6. Initial vs. Re-Enrollment Procedures

7. Re-Enrollment Responsibility

8. Post-Enrollment Service

9. Most Valued/Requested Enrollment Services

10. Biggest Challenges Providing Enrollment Services

G. Current Issues and FutureTrends

1. Enrollment and Technology Platform Key Challenges and Future Trends

2. Unique Voluntary Enrollment and Technology Funding Challenges

3. Overall Enrollment and Technology Trends and Changes



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