Employee Life Stage Segmentation — MarketVision™ — The Employee Viewpoint©

Cost: $2,000; published 2018

The Employee Life Stage Segmentation — MarketVision™—The Employee Viewpoint© 2018 report looks more closely at how employee ownership and attitudes towards employee benefits, including voluntary products, vary by life stage. Using the 2017 MarketVision™ — The Employee Viewpoint© dataset, an additional evaluation of the data was conducted to create several life stage categories.  Several demographic characteristics were used to segment the data initially, including the presence of children under 18 in the home, marital status and income level. Based on these cuts of the data, six lifestyle categories were created based on demographic commonalities, voluntary product ownership levels and purchase behavior. Each life stage category is then analyzed further in regards to current and future behaviors regarding voluntary product ownership, purchase and benefit communication and enrollment. 

Each of the six life stage segments is analyzed individually and then also analyzed in comparison to the other life stage segments. The six life stage segments are as follows:

  • Lower to Middle Income Singles
  • Lower to Middle Income Couples
  • Higher Income Singles and Couples
  • Lower Income Single Parent Family
  • Lower to Middle Income Families
  • Middle to Higher Income Families

View Table of Contents

1. Report Summary

A. Background and Objectives

B. Report Structure and Life Stage Categories

2. Life Stage Segment Summaries

A. Lower to Middle Income Singles - At a Glance

1. Product Ownership Rates

2. Voluntary Product Ownership Rates

3. Reasons for and Interest in Buying

4. Voluntary Benefits Communication and Enrollment

B. Lower to Middle Income Couples — At a Glance

1. Product Ownership Rates

2. Voluntary Product Ownership Rates

3. Reasons for and Interest in Buying

4. Voluntary Benefits Communication and Enrollment

C. Higher Income Singles & Couples — At a Glance

1. Product Ownership Rates

2. Voluntary Product Ownership Rates

3. Reasons for and Interest in Buying

4. Voluntary Benefits Communication and Enrollment

D. Lower Income Single Parent Family — At a Glance

1. Product Ownership Rates

2. Voluntary Product Ownership Rates

3. Reasons for and Interest in Buying

4. Voluntary Benefits Communication and Enrollment

E. Low to Middle Income Families — At a Glance

1. Product Ownership Rates

2. Voluntary Product Ownership Rates

3. Reasons for and Interest in Buying

4. Voluntary Benefits Communication and Enrollment

F. Middle to High Income Families — At a Glance

1. Product Ownership Rates

2. Voluntary Product Ownership Rates

3. Reasons for and Interest in Buying

4. Voluntary Benefits Communication and Enrollment

3. Life Stage Segment Comparisons

A.Ownership of Products Through the Employer

B. Voluntary Product Ownership

C. Types of Voluntary Products Owned

D. Number of Voluntary Products Owned

E. Reasons for Buying

F. Interest in Buying

G. Voluntary Benefits Communications

H. Enrollment Methods and Preferences

I. Online/Website Capabilities

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